7 money making reasons to have a blog on your website


Just as a website is important to your business, so is blogging an essential tool for your business growth. The contents of your website matter a lot to your audience. Each month, approximately 409 million people view more than 20 billion pages while 77% of internet users read blogs about their favorite businesses. Blogs are the 5th most trusted source for gathering online information. 

The interests of your clients should be what determines the contents of your blog post. Blogs can be in the form of videos, pictures, FAQs, and so on. In this article, we are going to see the reasons why your website should have a blog.


  1. Social Media Contents

It’s a give-and-take situation when it comes to social media content and blogging. Blogging gives you relevant ideas for your social media content according to the interests of your followers, making your social media platform and followers active and interested in your social media platforms and in return, driving traffic back to your website.

  1. Connect with Your Audience

Your customers are more confident about your brand after reading your blog posts, it allows them to know you personally and have conversations with people who have the same interests as you, allowing comments after your blog post is a way of engaging the people that visit your website. Through blogging, you have the chance to see through the minds of your audience.


3 . Close Sales

You can turn potential clients into actual clients, blogging boosts the interest of your clients in your product or services and creates opportunities for more sales. Not only will you gain the attention of potential buyers but you’ll increase the possibility that these visitors will return to your page from time to time and even share it with their friends as a form of referral which means even more sales.


  1. Credibility

Building trust is one of the most difficult tasks in businesses today, especially in the digital world. You can attract an audience through other means but keeping them is another mission entirely. Without credibility, your business can struggle to attract and retain clients. Having your client’s trust is a step away from gaining their loyalty. Consistent and relevant content is one of the ways to build trust.


  1. Information

Users go online every day searching for information about their preferred business or organization, you can make your website the first place they want to visit for information or updates about their favorite business organization. Your blog can serve as a section for teaching users about your product or services. It is also a strategic way of marketing your knowledge about that business and telling potential clients that you are an expert at what you do.


  1. Keyword

Each article you create is another opportunity of ranking full additional keywords and getting more traffic, your blog website may attract links from other websites, and these links can boost your visibility on google search results.  You have more indexed pages in search engines with a broader keyword range and a better keyword focus for your clients that help you identify the kind of search query your clients are searching to find answers to their questions, this gives you the advantage of fresh content that will be in front of searches. keywords can be found in your heading, title tag, link text, URL, and so on. You can go ahead to use Google Trends to find the most searched words on Google.


  1. Build a Network

According to Robert Kiyosaki “The richest people in the world build networks” while blogging helps to gain followers or audience it also aids in building a relationship, collecting email, and connecting with people of like minds. These connections start as visitors who read your posts, comment, and then send you emails or personal messages. With each message or email, you establish a new and long-term relationship



These seven reasons are just a few out of so many other reasons why you should start blogging now. I would encourage any business owner that wishes to grow locally and internationally to get started on this missing ingredient that is essential for business growth. Now that you’ve read this article, you know the benefits of having a blog on your website. Blogging has been proven to increase sales, draw traffic, build relationships, control brand identity, boost social media presence and most importantly build trust for businesses around the world.

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